One and only professional Tamil Media training centre in Srilanka by Mr Thevananth
The Media Resources and Training Centre (MRTC) under faculty of Arts, University of Jaffna was initiated by the Royal Danish Embassy in New Delhi in November 2002 and it started its work in June 2003. It was a joint venture of the Royal Danish Government, UNESCO and University of Jaffna.
Now, Norwegian government and Danish foreign ministry are jointly supporting to running this centre. FOJO Sweden is the consultant for the institute.
MRTC diploma course places diploma holders in the starting blocks of a broad range of media production careers with a wide knowledge base and some specific skill sets.
In preparation for an industry in which job and skills boundaries are now converging, technical/production skills, team and communication skills, a creative outlook and an understanding of contemporary media practice and business model is the need of the hour.
MRTC Professional diploma programme develops students who can adapt to changes in this fast moving and constantly evolving media environment.
Our students have been working on lab journal, video journal and online journal during their study and have gone on to work in a range of media occupations.
The Tamil medium Journalism programme offered by MRTC is the first of its kind in the country. The courses we offering are of exceptional quality and meet the demands of the media and creative industries for talented and highly skilled diploma holders.
MRTC has productive working relationships with media industry partners, including regional, national and international media
Teaching is led by experienced industry practitioners and highly qualified tutors who guide students towards a critical and historical understanding of print, radio, television, film and new media cultures.
Vision Statement of MRTC
The MRTC is committed to the pursuit of teaching, professional excellence and distinctiveness within a diverse range of media professionals.
The MRTC diploma holders will be equipped with knowledge and skills essential for active journalist .They will be articulate, literate and intellectually inquisitive. Our diploma holders will have a capacity for rigorous and disciplined analysis and will have highly-developed attitudes of critical inquiry, creative reflection and openness to cultural difference and diversity.
Objectives of MRTC
To increase the journalistic skills of the editorial staff and provincial reporters in the existing newspapers published in Northern Sri Lanka.
To enable the media professionals to access common resources and facilities to function as effective journalists
To enhance the capacity of editorial staff with modern technologies
To sensitise the journalists, civil society, government and political activists on media functions in building a democratic society.
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